Tuesday, February 23, 2010

1/2 Marathon Training - Week 3, Day 2

I got a late start this morning on my run - left the house shortly before 6:30 and got back right around 7. This doesn't leave me much time to get ready for work. Getting out of bed when my alarm goes off the first time would be helpful.

The weather was nice - not too cold, and I warmed up to the point that the gloves probably weren't necessary. The running/biking path I usually run on is still covered in snow so running on the road was interesting. Fortunately, even at 6:30 in the morning, there weren't too many cars out.

Tonight I'm teaching a Zumba class and then taking a Circuit Zumba class later on at Studio Zumba. I'll sleep well tonight, I'm sure. Tomorrow is 4 miles!

Route:--Elev. Avg:757 ft
Location:Dayton, OH, Elev. Gain:+7 ft
Time:07:00 AMDifficulty:2.2 / 5.0
33 F temp; 93% humidity
33 F heat index; winds NW 5 mph

Distance:3.54 miles
Speed:6.0 mph
Pace:10' 04 /mi

Posted from bimactive.com

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